Terms & Conditions
1. Introduction
This website (timmseystech.com.au) is operated by Timmseys Tech. By accessing or using this website, you agree to the Terms of Use of our website as set out below.
The Terms of Use of the Timmseys Tech website include these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and any other terms and conditions that appear in or are linked to the Timmseys Tech website (Additional Terms and Conditions).
The Additional Terms and Conditions that appear on the Timmseys Tech website will govern your use of, and access to, certain sections of the Timmseys Tech where they appear. Since these Additional Terms and Conditions form part of the Terms of Use you are bound by them and should review them wherever they are relevant to you when using the Timmseys Tech website.
2. Website content and access
While Timmseys Tech endeavours to take reasonable care in preparing and maintaining the information on this website we do not warrant the accuracy, reliability, adequacy or completeness of any of the website content. You acknowledge and accept that the website content may include technical inaccuracies and typographical errors. The website content is subject to change at any time without notice and may not necessarily be up to date or accurate at the time you view it.
It is your responsibility to enquire with us directly to ensure the accuracy and currency of the material or information you seek to rely upon. To the extent permitted by law Timmseys Tech disclaims all liability for loss directly or indirectly arising from your use of or reliance on the website and the website content.
Timmseys Tech does not guarantee that access to the Timmseys Tech website will be uninterrupted or that the website is free from viruses or anything else which may damage any computer which accesses the Timmseys Tech website or any data on such a computer.
3. Limitation of liability
To the maximum extent permitted by law Timmseys Tech excludes completely all liability whatsoever for any loss or damage of any kind (including special, indirect or consequential loss and including loss of business profits) however caused (including negligence) arising out of or in connection with the website content and the use or performance of the Timmseys Tech website.
Where the law implies a warranty into these Website Terms and Conditions which may not lawfully be excluded Timmseys Tech liability for breach of such a warranty shall be limited at its option, to any one or more of the following:
(a) in the case of goods, to any one it determines of the following: replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods; repair of the goods; payment of the cost of replacing the goods or acquiring equivalent goods; or payment of the cost of having the goods repaired; and
(b) in the case of services, to either supplying the services again or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
4. Intellectual property
The materials displayed on this website, including without limitation all editorial materials, information, photographs, illustrations, artwork and other graphic materials, and brand names, logos and trade marks, are the property of Timmseys Tech or third parties and are protected by copyright, trade mark and other intellectual property laws. Any such content may be displayed and printed solely for your personal, non-commercial use within your organisation only provided that any copyright notice on such a display or page is not removed. You agree not to reproduce, retransmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, broadcast or circulate any such material to any third party without the express prior written consent of Timmseys Tech.
Save for the above, and unless expressly granted, Timmseys Tech does not grant any licence or right in, or assign all or part of, its intellectual property rights in the content or applications incorporated into the Timmseys Tech website or in the user interface of the Timmseys Tech website.
5. Submissions
Any material you send to us on or via the Timmseys Tech website will be deemed to be non-confidential and non-proprietary. This includes any data, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas or other information. We will be entitled to use such material for any purpose without compensation to you.
6. Third party websites
The Timmseys Tech Website may contain links to other websites operated, controlled or produced by third parties. Unless otherwise indicated, Timmseys Tech does not control, endorse, sponsor or approve any such third party websites or their content nor does Timmseys Tech provide any warranty or take any responsibility whatsoever for any aspect of those websites or their content.
7. Links to Timmseys Tech website
If you wish to establish a link to this website, you must first seek approval from Timmseys Tech. To seek approval, please email timmseystech@gmail.com
The following information will be required to assess your request:
the URL of the website that you seek to establish a link from a brief description of your website the reason that you wish to establish a link.
If Timmseys Tech agrees to your proposed link, you must comply with any terms and conditions imposed by Timmseys Tech as a condition of such agreement. If the nature and/or content of your website changes in any significant way, you must contact Timmseys Tech and provide a new description of your website.
8. Interference with website
You must not attempt to change, add to, remove, deface, hack or otherwise interfere with this website or any material or content displayed on the Timmseys Tech website.
9. Jurisdiction
These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the State of Queensland, Australia. In the event that a dispute arises from these Website Terms and Conditions, you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland, Australia.
Privacy Policy
Scope: This statement applies to this website and your interaction with us.
Personal Information
You may interact with us anonymously where this is lawful and practicable.
We may collect information about you that you choose to provide, such as your e-mail or postal address.
We may collect non-personal information from you such as browser type, operating system, and web pages visited to help us manage our web site.
We use cookies and other internet technologies to manage our website and on-line certain products and services. We do not use these technologies to collect or store personal information unless you have opted in to such a feature.
Uses and Sharing
We use personal information you provide only for purposes consistent with the reason you provided it, or for a directly related purpose.
We will not use your personal information to market to you unless we have either your implied or express consent.
We do not share your personal information with other organisations unless you give us your express consent, or where sharing is otherwise required or permitted by law.
When we temporarily provide personal information to companies who perform services for us, such as specialist information technology companies, mail houses or other contractors to Timmseys Tech we require those companies to protect your personal information as diligently as we do.
Your Rights & Choices
You have the right to request access to the personal information you provide, and to correct or update your personal information. This right is subject to certain exceptions allowed by law.
You may instruct us to remove any previous consent you provided to receive marketing communications from us.
Direct Marketing and Your Privacy
From time to time we may use the personal information we collect from you to identify particular Timmseys Tech products and services which we believe may be of interest to you. We may then contact you to let you know about these products and services and how they may benefit you. We will only do this with your consent and we will always give you a choice to opt put of receiving such information.
Direct Mail
Where we use your personal information to send you marketing information via the mail we may do so with your implied consent. You imply consent where we reasonably conclude that it has been given by the actions you take or do not take, such as by not ticking an “opt out” box on a form for one of our products and services. We will ensure that our opt out notices are clear, conspicuous and easy to take up.
Electronic Marketing
Where we use your personal information to send you marketing information by e-mail, SMS, MMS or other electronic means we may do so with your express consent. You may give us your express consent by, for example, ticking a box on an electronic or paper form where we seek your permission to send you electronic or other marketing information.
All of our electronic marketing activities will comply with the requirements of the Spam Act 2003 (Cth).
Device sales
I understand Timmseys Tech is not
responsible for any problems that occur due to misuse of the product after the purchase.
I understand that if any problems occur after the purchase a service fee will be charged for inspection
unless management deem otherwise.
I confirm that I am older than 16 years old, eligible to purchase and able to provide ID to confirm this if needed.
U understand and agree that this purchase comes with a 30-days warranty; any problems or defects
outside this term will not be the responsibility of Timmseys Tech to fix. If a problem or defect is found in this
30-day period that it not due to misuse, I understand that Timmseys Tech will repair the problem within a 7
working day period or replace the item with another if available.
Timmseys Tech is not required to give a refund on this purchase.
I understand that all Devices being refurbished may have inperfections such as scratches, small dints, no face ID, no Touch ID, etc; I accept that those are not the responsibility of Timmseys Tech to repair inclusive of the purchases of devices.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Queensland and the Country of Australia.
Timmseys Tech usually does not engage in telemarketing activities to our consumer customers. Generally, such marketing is ever only used in relation to our business customers. Should any consumer telemarketing be done or authorised by Timmseys Tech, will to the extent that it applies, comply with the:
Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth);
Do Not Call Register (Consequential Amendments) Act 2006 (Cth);
Telecommunications (Do Not Call Register) (Telemarketing and Research Calls) Industry Standard 2007
Fraud Prevention
Due to the high incidence of credit card fraud, Timmseys Tech may choose, at its own discretion, to perform checks to confirm the authenticity of any payments made by credit card. These checks may include requests for proof of ID, proof of Billing/Shipping Address or verification of a small refundable mystery debit (between $0.01 and $1.00) to your card.
If you have selected to make payment by Secure Credit Card (via eWay) and do not agree to Timmseys Tech performing any of these checks, then please change your payment method to either Direct Deposit or Paypal as your order will be processed and shipped more promptly. Orders paid by credit card may take up to 3 business days to process before shipping.
I authorize TimmseysTech and its affiliates to perform repair work on my electronic device. I understand that TimmseysTech or its affiliates are independent repair agents and not authorized service dealers or providers.
I agree to release, indemnify, and hold TimmseysTech and its affiliates from liability for any claims or damages of any kind or description that may arise from any repair work performed on my electronic device.
I acknowledge the device I am handing in for repair is my device & not stolen property. I accept all responsiblity for the history of this device. If the device is found to be stolen, I accept that I may not receive it back.
If a device requires detailed disassembly for a quote a minimum charge of $50.00 will apply. This cost can be subtracted from the final cost of the repair, if you choose to go ahead. This amount is not refundable.
Device Damage
Shock and crush damaged devices: Microscopic fractures can occur that can cause issues with your device. In some cases when these fractures are present, and the mounting screws are removed, the fractures do not make connection when the device is reassembled. You agree that TimmseysTech is not liable if fractures have occurred inside your device, which causes your device not to function in some way, even if such things were functional prior to disassembly.
Liquid damaged devices: The recovery time can vary depending on the device, and the extent of the damage. All parts that are replaced with new parts supplied by us, will be covered by the warranty period indicated on the final job sheet. This warranty period does not cover any main internals, or any parts that have not been replaced with new parts. Progressive damage can occur over time. TimmseysTech is not responsible if your device does not function in some way, or at all, after liquid damage recovery. Liquid damage recovery will take a minimum of 24 hours, but in some cases, can take over a week. This is device/situation specific, and cannot be predicted. In some cases, displacing liquid damage can cause the device not to function in some way (Sometimes, the liquid's impurities is the only thing holding a circuit together), in such cases, you agree that TimmseysTech is not liable.
Virus / Infected devices: Removal can take a number of days. TimmseysTech is not liable if your device becomes infected with a virus after a virus removal or full clean-up. We cannot future proof your computer or stop others from using it. This is the case regardless of what antivirus software you use.
DOA devices: 'Dead On Arrival'; No Picture, Flat Battery, Not turning on, or has a serious fault. The device cannot be fully tested until after the repair has been completed. TimmseysTech will not be liable if any function of the device does not work partially, or in whole. eg, if your device does not turn on upon arrival to our store, and after it is repaired, the sound does not work, the issue would NOT be warranty. The policy applies to anything unable to be fully tested at the time of the Service Booking (including things that could not be tested because the customer had not supplied passwords and/or has supplied incorrect details).
If parts need to be ordered the repair time can vary. We do not have control over postage delays that prevent a job from being completed. If anything should be lost in transit we will attempt to order it again at our discretion. Special order items may require a deposit. Deposits are not refundable.
Most types of glass are held in place by double sided adhesive. Should the glass/screen lift/detach in any way, please return it to us straight away. We will not cover warranty on a screen that is in some way broken, even if the break occurred after the screen started lifting. If the devices frame is warped/bent/twisted etc. We will do our very best to reshape the frame to get the glass/screen to sit flush. If the screen is not 100% flush because the frame is slightly or severely bent or twisted, you agree that this is not a warranty issue, and that replacing the frame of your device is the only way to get it 100% straight. TimmseysTech will not be held liable if your screen is lifting due to a bent frame.
I understand if I am having a part replaced inside my device, that if my screen or any glass/plastic components on or in my phone are damaged, that this will affect the strength of these parts & my device. These parts may damage further as a course of the repair and nececssary force applied by the technician. I do not hold TimmseysTech or its affiliates liable if these parts are further damaged then what they were when I handed the device over for repair because their structural integrity was already compromised and the force applied was neccessary in order to complete the repair that I requested.
I understand that TimmseysTech or its affiliates are not responsible for any data loss. I understand that I am responsible for backing up the data on my device before submitting for repair. In the event of any data loss and hardware or software failure I do not hold TimmseysTech or its affiliates responsible or liable for any consequences or losses arising from the loss of data.
I understand that TimmseysTech and its affilaites will not browse through any personal, private or confidential information or data unless directed to or is required for verification of the repair.
Technicians may inadvertently see data during the course of their work. I understand that any confidential data should be removed from the device prior to having repair work performed.
Manufacturer’s Warranty may be VOID upon opening a device. You accept that TimmseysTech may break a Warranty seal upon opening your device. It is the customer’s responsibility to determine if the device is currently under some form of warranty. If you are unsure, please determine this before we start any repairs.
I understand that repairs or technical support performed by TimmseysTech or its affiliates may void manufacturer warranties. TimmseysTech and its affiliates do not assume any liability or warranty in the event that the manufacturer warranties are voided but may, at their own sole discretion, offer their own warranty on the parts and/or services performed. Warranty offered by TimmseysTech or its affiliates will be void if you smash, damage, break, crack or liquid damage your device.
TimmseysTech Warranty is VOID if your device is opened, or serviced, by anyone other than TimmseysTech.
TimmseysTech Warranty is VOID if your device sustains any form of damage after leaving store.
NO Warranty is supplied for parts that were not supplied by TimmseysTech.
TimmseysTech is not responsible if your device fails in any way in our store or after if has left, unless the part that failed was supplied by us, and is under warranty.
If the device fails, and you believe it may be covered by warranty, you MUST return it within that period. There will be no exceptions.
TimmseysTech Warranty covers only the work performed for the declared fault the device is submitted for. Undeclared faults are not covered.
TimmseysTech Warranty does not cover new faults occuring after the device has been returned.
All Jobs must be collected within 30 days of completion. Jobs not collected in this period will be deemed as “Uncollected Goods” (Uncollected Goods Act 1995), and/or may incur a storage fee. Uncollected Goods may be sold/disposed of after the required time has elapsed, in accordance with “Australia Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012” (*Sections 60, 61, 62) & Uncollected Goods Act 1995.
TimmseysTech does not offer any form of credit. Your device(s) will not leave the store unless payment has been received in full. In the event of bank reversal, or other payment complications, you will be obligated to pay TimmseysTech the full amount plus any fees incurred immediately. Cheques are not accepted.
Returns and Refunds policy below:
- Return Request: If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 14 days of receiving the item to initiate a return. You can reach out to our customer support team via "Timmseystech@gmail.com".
- Return Authorization: Our customer support team will guide you through the return process and provide you with a return authorization number (RA number) if the return is deemed eligible.
- Eligibility: To be eligible for a refund, the item must be in its original condition and packaging. It should be unused, undamaged, and free from any signs of wear or alterations.
- Inspection and Refund: Once we receive the returned item, our team will inspect it thoroughly. If the item meets the eligibility criteria mentioned above, we will proceed with the refund process. Please note that refunds will be issued to the original payment method used during the purchase.
- Restocking Fee: If the return is not due to a fault of the item, a restocking fee will be applicable. The restocking fee is non-negotiable and will be determined based on the value of the device and weight. It is the responsibility of the cardholder to pay this fee, which will be deducted from the total refund amount.
- Refund Processing Time: Once the item passes the inspection and the refund is approved, we will process the refund within 3-5 business days. Please note that the refund processing time may vary depending on your financial institution.
- Shipping Costs: Please note that original shipping costs, if any, are non-refundable. Additionally, the customer is responsible for covering the shipping costs associated with the return, unless the return is due to a faulty item or an error on our part.
- Communication: We strive to provide clear and timely communication throughout the return process. Our customer support team will keep you updated on the progress of your return and refund.
Thank you for choosing our services. We aim to provide a convenient and efficient shipping experience for all our customers. Please review our Shipping policy below:
- Free Shipping: We are pleased to offer free shipping on all orders over $500.00 AUD within Australia. This promotion is automatically applied at checkout and is subject to change without prior notice.
- Shipping Rates: For orders that do not qualify for free shipping or are below the specified threshold, shipping rates will vary based on the destination location and the weight of the package. During the checkout process, the applicable shipping rate will be displayed for your review before finalizing your order.
- Delivery Timeframe: We strive to process and ship orders as quickly as possible. Once your order is confirmed and payment is successfully processed, it will typically be dispatched within 1-3 business days. Please note that delivery timeframes may vary depending on the destination location and any unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.
- Shipping Methods and Carriers: We partner with reputable shipping carriers to ensure reliable and secure delivery of your orders. The specific carrier and shipping method used for your package will depend on various factors, including the destination and the nature of the items being shipped.
- Tracking Information: Once your order has been shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number and relevant tracking information, if available. This will allow you to monitor the progress of your shipment and estimate the expected delivery date.
- International Shipping: Currently, we only offer shipping within Australia. We do not provide international shipping services. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
- Address Accuracy: Please ensure that the shipping address provided during the checkout process is accurate and complete. We are not responsible for any delays or delivery issues caused by incorrect or incomplete address information.
- Shipping Restrictions: Certain items may be subject to shipping restrictions due to legal or safety reasons. If any restrictions apply to your order, we will notify you promptly and work to find a suitable solution.
We strive to provide a seamless shipping experience, but please note that unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions or logistical challenges may affect delivery times. If you have any further questions or require assistance regarding our Shipping policy, please feel free to contact our customer support team.
You agree to the above terms and conditions, if you do not agree to the above terms your job will not be accepted.
These terms and conditions can change at any time, without notice.